
HD - Royal Palace + 2 Temples: Wat Traimit + Wat Pho

Informations générales

Bangkok, Thailand5 heuresVisites guidees

Détails programme

This excursion combines two very popular destinations in Bangkok. We start with Wat Traimit, the temple of the Golden Buddha. We then visit Wat Pho, the temple of the Reclined Buddha, the largest and oldest in Bangkok. Then we visit the Grand Palace and the monuments on the palace grounds, including Wat Phra Kaew, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the Royal Pantheon, the Coronation Throne Hall, the Royal Redeption Hall, and the Royal Funeral Hall. Return to the hotel.

Speaking guide: Italian
Lunch not included
Duration: 5 hours
Departure time: 08:00 for SIC
Departures for SIC: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday